Mountain Chapel

Mountain Chapel
from Google Streetview

Monday, 12 July 2010

Mountain Chapel Garden Unveiling

Unveiling Ceremony on 9th September 2007.

This was done by Rev'd Sarah Geach after a short dedication ceremony.

Plaque dedicated to loved ones whose relatives donated towards the garden and planters in 2007

These Planters are Dedicated in Memory of:-
Arthur & Barbara Callen
Richard Callen
James & Lilian Callnon
Stuart Golder
Thomas & Lilias John
Archibald John
George & Susannah Scourfield
Jmaes Scourfield
William & Margaret Shanklin
John Smart
Nathanial & Hannah Williams
Olive Williams 

An introduction and background on the history of the chapel was given by Clr Tony Brinsden (also Chairman of the History Society).

We were pleased to see so many relatives and friends at the chapel for the ceremony, and also back at the Hall for tea and a chat afterwards.
Those who had donated towards the planters were given a framed photo of the chapel and a thank-you letter for their support.
Our work will continue at the chapel to ensure that is remains a fitting feature in the village.