To the rear a new house was to be built beyond the graveyard and adjacent to the small vestry.
The report describes the chapel as rectangular with an arched double front door. The vestry was also rectangular with three entances on the ground floor and a brick chimneystack. Part of the ground floor was of rough cobbles, divided into two with bays with a tongue and groove partition and would have been used as a stable. This partition contained graffiti on its south side, which, although difficult to read, read as:-
H Glanvel? (Glanville)
W Morse? mor?
J R Lewis
N G Lewis
Owan Jones
Frank James
Full time Rabbit Trapper
John Lewis
Owen Jones
Oct 7th 1947
Very wet
Very wet day July 3 1932
April 21st 1936
April 21st 1936
The northern entrance gave access to a flight of stone stairs leading to the first floor. The top of the stairs was boxed in with panelling. In the northern wall were the remains of a small range.
The new building has retained the structure of the vestry.
Ground plan
(The numbering used on this plan is NOT the one used by the History Society
in their grave pIctures and booklet)
Floor plan
Exterior elevations
Exterior gable elevations
Chapel interior - view N
Chapel - view S
Chapel - view NW
Chapel - view N
Chapel - view NE
Chapel interior - view south
Vestry - first floor
Vestry - looking east (western side)
Vestry - old stable
south ground floor - view NW
Vestry - detail of west door
Vestry - north side
Report 2003/19 Project 45433 Cambria Archaeology.